Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blog 11

The artifact that I am going to use for my paper is a video of the Marching Chiefs marching out for pregame before the FSU vs Oklahoma game earlier this year. The video is taken from a 1st person perspective of a saxophone player

The main rhetorical technique that I am going to focus on for this paper and with this video is the setting of the video. And the setting for the video does not just mean the place (which is Doak Campbell Stadium), but the sights and the sounds are what make the setting as extraordinary as it is.

The target audience for this video is by far the Marching Chiefs themselves. It appeals to them because they are college students so therefore they enjoy loud noises, intense situations, and adrenaline running through their veins. At the beginning of the video you can see them jumping up and down, screaming at the tops of their lungs. The "elephant door" is the only thinking blocking them from the excitement and craziness on the other side. Since it is a night game, which is uncommon for most college football games, the darkness adds even more adrenaline. And once that door opens, the stadium energy falls directly on us. The sights and the sounds is what gets us to react the way we do. Every mouth of a Marching Chief drops and either whispers or yells holy **** or other variations of it. It is not every day that you have 80,000+ crazy fans screaming and cheering you on while you "go cadence" (basically running while marching). The intensity of the noise in the stadium was beyond unbelievable. It was one of the loudest noises anyone can hear inside of a football stadium or anywhere else for that matter.

The intensity of the screaming fans, the excitement of marching out to intense audience, and the sight of all the fans is what gets Marching Chiefs to go back and watch this video not just once, but over and over again.

Comment to Kate:
You did an awesome job! I really agree with everything and I like how you applied it to Ethos, Pathos, Logos. It looked difficult to be able to find how it fits to all 3 but you made me realize that all 3 were in fact there.

Comment to Kristen:
Coke commercials are always hilarious.They appeal to me as well because I love to drink Coke haha. You analyzed it perfectly in my opinion and pretty much if someone watching had any sense of humor, they would enjoy watching this commercial and watch from the beginning all the way to end.


  1. This is a really interesting video to analyses, especially since there is so much going on at a football games. especially at such a big match such as the Oklahoma game, I was there and it was hectic! Just curious as to what the video is actually trying to persuade?

  2. I think you've done a very good job recreating the effect that the video portrays through your own words. I think that instead of the target audience just being the marching chiefs, it can maybe expand to everyone in the stadium in general.
