Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blog 12

What I have really learned well in this class is that there are many ways to look at something than just one. You can look at a piece of really anything and see it directly, any symbols that are within, submissive messages, etc. I used to just look at something and see it one way or maybe even two if it was a good day. For example when we were analyzing the ads that had the submissive messages. I would have just looked at those ads and though wow they are submissive, laughed, and moved on with my life. But I would not have thought on why they are submissive or what makes them that way. This class did not actually teach me this way of thinking but instead brought me back to it and it made me show myself that I really do look and think this way and I needed to be reminded of it.

Another thing I have learned is when the time to be reflective is put in front of me, I need to go all out with it because I will not usually be given that option in school or in the workplace. And if I just write the boring "crap" that I write all the time then i will think that same "crap" as well. It will not get me far in life or the workplace later in life if I think in a simplistic and boring way. Life is too short for that and I need to take advantages of that opportunity.

Bryan:  I totally understand where you are coming from. I did not look into things that much before I took this class. I think that from now on, whether we really enjoyed the class or not, we will look a little deeper into things as life goes on

Dana: The writing about our own topics really has strengthened our writing skills a lot. I never realized that we can use this skill towards scholarships and I might actually try to think in the ways that I learned from this class toward a scholarship essay!

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